春秋时期,吴王夫差在与越国交战中大败越王勾践。夫差要捉拿勾践,范蠡出策,假装投降,留得青山在不愁没柴烧。夫差不听老臣伍子胥的劝告,留下 了勾践等人。越国君臣在吴国为奴三年,饱受屈辱,终被放回越国。勾践暗中训练精兵,每日晚上睡觉不用褥,只铺些柴草,又在屋里挂了一只苦胆,他不时会尝尝 苦胆的味道,为的就是不忘过去的耻辱。最终励精图治,成功复国,越王勾践亦成为春秋时期最后一个霸主。
李白小时候在四川象耳山读书,很不用功,并想中途废学。有一天,他在山下小溪旁看到一位白发老婆婆在那里磨铁杵。李白问干什么,老婆婆回答说:“把铁杵磨成针。”李白不相信,嗤一声笑了,对她说:“铁杵岂能磨成针?” “只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。”老婆婆向他讲了这个道理,李白顿时领梧。从此,他便发奋用功,终于懂得了“功到自然成”的道理。
4、 匡衡凿壁借光
汉朝元帝时的匡衡,从小喜好读书。可是家里很穷,连饭都吃不饱,哪有钱上学读书呢?他只好白天干活,晚上自己学习。家里没有钱买灯油,怎么办 呢?匡衡没有向困难屈服,想出了一个办法:在墙壁上凿了个小洞,借邻居家照射过来的微弱灯光看书学习。他勤奋刻苦,学到了许多知识,后来做了宰相。
1796年,贝多芬才26岁,就创作了最初3首奏鸣曲。但不幸接踵而来,由于治疗不善,他的耳咽管炎转为慢性中耳炎,听觉越来越衰退。1820年,他的两耳完全失聪,这对听觉要求比别人更完善的作曲家来说,是个多么大的打击啊!但是,贝多芬没有屈服。他说:“我要扼住命运的咽喉。”为了克服失聪的困难,他就坐在乐队近旁,看乐器演奏和演员歌唱。到了晚年,这个办法你奏效了。他就用一支小木杆,一端插在钢琴箱里,一端咬在牙齿中间,在作曲时用来“听”音。面对如此多的磨难,贝多芬没有屈服,而是愈战愈勇,他一生给人类留下了9部交响曲、32首钢琴奏鸣曲、5部钢琴协奏曲、1部小提琴协奏曲、16 部弦乐四重奏等等,为人类创造了巨大的精神财富。
This spring more than 2 million students across the US are doing something I’ve never done. They’re graduating from college.
That’s an achievement we should all celebrate. Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success.
College graduates are more likely to find a rewarding job, earn higher income, and even, evidence shows, live healthier lives than if they didn’t have degrees. They also bring training and skills into America’s workforce, helping our economy grow and stay competitive. That benefits everyone.
It’s just too bad that we’re not producing more of them.
As the class of 2015 prepares to join the workforce, what many people may not realize is that America is facing a shortage of college graduates.
That may not seem possible, especially for any graduate who is unemployed or underemployed. But here are the numbers: By 2025, two thirds of all jobs in the US will require education beyond high school. (That includes two-year and four-year college degrees as well as postsecondary certificates.) At the current rate the US is producing college graduates, however, the country is expected to face a shortfall of 11 million skilled workers to fill those roles over the next 10 years, according to a new study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.
I’ve had a couple chances to talk about this skills gap with Cheryl Hyman, the chancellor of the City Colleges of Chicago. We first met over dinner with a number of education leaders last year, and I was really impressed with her accomplishments. Raised in poverty in Chicago’s housing projects, she got a college degree in computer science, worked her way to the top of a Fortune 500 company, and is now one of the most innovative leaders in higher education. Since taking the job in 2010, she’s doubled City Colleges’s graduation rate.
我曾几次同芝加哥城市大学校长Cheryl Hyman讨论过“技能差距”这个问题。我们去年在一次晚会上相识,我完全折服于她所取得的成就。她出身贫困,通过自己的努力获得了计算机科学学位,一步步升到全球500强公司的顶级职位,现在则是高等教育中创新领导者。自2010年就职以来,她使城大的毕业率加倍。
One thing Cheryl and I talked a lot about is the key source of the skills gap. The problem isn’t that not enough people are going to college. (Enrollment in postsecondary programs has grown by over 50 percent during the last 25 years.) The problem is that not enough people are finishing. More than 36 million Americans—a fifth of the working age population—have gone off to college and left without a degree.
It’s always moving to sit down with students and hear the stories of why they decided to drop out. Many of them are poor and often the first person in their families to go to college. They arrive on campus with big aspirations to get a degree and start a career that would earn a good salary. Then their dreams unravel.
Many quit when they realize that their high schools didn’t prepare them academically for college. Some don’t make it because they can’t afford tuition. Others leave after getting overwhelmed trying to navigate the college system without enough personal guidance from their college. All leave school with a lot of debt and, even worse, a diminished sense of themselves. Their entire sense of what they can achieve in life is damaged.
The fact that a high percentage of people who don’t finish college are from low-income backgrounds should be a concern for all of us. Without degrees, they are more likely to stay trapped in poverty. At the same time, the scarcity of skilled workers in the labor market drives up wages for those with a college education, worsening income inequality in America.
Cheryl and I discussed the need for colleges to create a less confusing course selection process. Students often waste time and valuable credit hours taking classes that don’t help them progress toward graduation because they don’t understand the degree requirements. New personalized online guidance tools provide students with clear, semester-by-semester maps to graduation and a career.
I’ve written before about how online courses are helping reduce tuition costs for college students and give them the flexibility to learn on their own schedule. While I’m enthusiastic about the future of online courses, I also agree with Cheryl that they’re not, as she put it, a “magic bullet” that works for all students. Some of her students, she told me, still need face to face time with instructors and classmates to help them learn how to interact with other people and work as part of a team. Critical skills nearly all employers look for in new hires.
While all of these efforts are important to close the skills gap, Cheryl says the biggest issue is changing the culture of higher education. For many years colleges measured success by how many students enrolled in their institutions and not whether they were training students for jobs that were in demand in the marketplace.
It’s time for higher education and the “real world” of employers to start working together to meet the demand for 11 million skilled workers in the US. If we’re successful over the next decade, we’ll do more than close the skills gap. We’ll also make progress reducing the large and growing gap between America’s rich and poor.